Thursday, November 03, 2005

Looking for Siamese Algae Eater

I am looking for a Siamese Algae Eater like the one on the left. Let me know if you know where I can get one. Don't mistake it for the Flying Fox.. but I don't know how to tell them apart.
Why I need it:
1. Algae problem - 2 types
2. He's supposed to be efficient
3. Small size for my small tank (10L only)
Below is what I have (let me rephrase - looks like what I have) now..the shop labelled it as a Cory but I don't think it is..This is a picture of a Featherfin Squeaker. Mine (whatever) is about 7cm long now.. clings upsidedown under the driftwood most of the time. He cleans the bottom pretty well for the leftovers but hardly leaves home.

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