The trend continues.. one a month
Looking at our local fellowship, from the past till now, everyone has left for different reasons, albeit there were some common factors.
It shows that there is not a single force on the dark side attributing to all this but rather a natural progression. The fellowship have to head towards a common destiny, even though the journey might be different. So why do people leave?
1. They took the wrong journey and didn't like it.
2. Their destination have changed witha new revalation.
3. They have discocvered a new distination.
4. The journey was too long, they decide to change the journey (don't matter the destination).
5. The monsters along their journey changed their destination.
6. ...
As one of the leaders in the fellowship, I commit to do the best for everyone in it and help everyone to do the same, with the hope that one of the reason you reached your destiny one day, within our without this fellowship, is because you've been here.
On the other hand, recruitment of new members had been hard.. most of them:
1. Don't care where they are going
2. Don't have the passion for the journey
3. You can tell - won't fit in, they talk Gibberish
4. You can tell - partied too much during their training years
5. Scared of monsters
Or have I erred on the selection process and we've been looking at the wrong camp.
I need help my fellow padawans, what say you..